Every single thing in your home that's plugged into a wall outlet or works with a switch on the wall . . . every lamp, ceiling light, room fan, computer, microwave, stove, hair dryer, coffee pot, toaster, slow cooker, TV, home entertainment system, printer, wifi router, cordless phone, phone charger, and clock radio ... they're ALL in parallel.
<u>And</u> chances are that everything in your house is also in parallel with everything in the houses of a few of your neighbors on each side of you.
THAT's how parallel circuits are used in residential areas.
Yes such a frame exists: a free-fall (free-float frame) frame. This frame of reference is subject only to gravity and no forces such as electromagnetic forces or nuclear forces.
Answer: D Although the total energy remains constant, nonrenewable fuels convert chemical energy into forms that are difficult or impossible to use again.
The first law of thermodynamics says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.