Planned maintenance refers to any scheduled activity carried out to check a machine is working ok and diagnose procedures to fix it if need it. On the other hand, predictive mainteance is all the techniques which help to define if a machine requires or not maintenance activities so far.
Planned maintenance is based on preventive routines to ensure a machine is working in acceptable conditions and at the same time prevent them to change to risky values performing acticities like parts replacement, cleaning, etc. The key of this maintenance is schedule, that is to say, is a maintenance that has to be carried out constantly each certain time. Predictive maintenance is different because it is used to define if a machie needs any kind of inspection or if, on the contrary, the machine can continue operating without any intervention. The good point about predictive maintenance is the capability of telling when a maintenance is required and when is no necessarily required which is ideal to save costs.
Absolute viscosity is the evaluation of the resistance (INTERNAL) of the fluid flow
Kinematic viscosity relates to the dynamic viscosity and density proportion.
SUS stands for Sabolt Universal Seconds. it is units which described the variation of oil viscosity
Absolute viscosity is the evaluation of the resistance (INTERNAL) of the fluid flow, whereas Kinematic viscosity relates to the dynamic viscosity and density proportion. fluid with distinct kinematic viscosities may have similar dynamic viscosities and vice versa.Dynamic viscosity provides you details of power required to make the fluid flow at some rate, however kinematic viscosity shows how quick the fluid moves when applying a certain force.
SUS stands for Sabolt Universal Seconds. it is units which described the variation of oil viscosity when change with change in temperature. it is measured by using viscosimeter.
needless to say, I took the quiz
I don't know if this counts but I guess it's not one of those.