The curved surface of water is called the meniscus
Science is supported by facts and processes.
Science involves observation and experimentation.
Science continually changes and is constantly updated.
La energía mareomotriz se produce gracias al movimiento generado por las mareas, esta energía es aprovechada por turbinas, las cuales a su vez mueven la mecánica de un alternador que genera energía eléctrica, finalmente este último esta conectado con una central en tierra que distribuye la energía hacia la comunidad.

A 6.0-cm-diameter parallel-plate capacitor has a 0.46 mm gap.
What is the displacement current in the capacitor if the potential difference across the capacitor is increasing at 500,000V/s?
Let given is,
The diameter of a parallel plate capacitor is 6 cm or 0.06 m
Separation between plates, d = 0.046 mm
The potential difference across the capacitor is increasing at 500,000 V/s
We need to find the displacement current in the capacitor. Capacitance for parallel plate capacitor is given by :
, r is radius
Let I is the displacement current. It is given by :

is rate of increasing potential difference

So, the value of displacement current is