A. amount of precipitation, average temperature
Precipitation and average temperature are factors that climate includes. These factors are determined by other factors such as location of an area(like how far a place is from large bodies of water like the sea), ocean currents, lattitude (distance from the equator), winds (prevailing winds) , topography (such as mountains) and the like.
The two compounds shown indeed have tha same molecular formula, C5 H11 NO2. One of the molecules has a group NH2 and a group COOH, the other molecule has a NOO group, that makes that the two isomers have a completely different structure, with the atoms arranged in a completely different order. <span>This kind of isomers fits in the definition of structural isomers, so the answer is structural isomers.</span>
The intermolecular forces between CO3^2- and H2O molecules are;
1) London dispersion forces
2) ion-dipole interaction
3) hydrogen bonding
Intermolecular forces are forces of attraction that exits between molecules. These forces are weaker in comparison to the intramolecular forces, such as the covalent or ionic bonds between atoms in a molecule.
Considering CO3^2- and H2O, we must remember that hydrogen bonds occur whenever hydrogen is bonded to a highly electronegative atom such as oxygen. The carbonate ion is a hydrogen bond acceptor.
Also, the London dispersion forces are present in all molecules and is the first intermolecular interaction in molecular substance. Lastly, ion-dipole interactions exists between water and the carbonate ion.
Fluorine! It's highly reactive, since it has 7 electrons and wants an extra electron to fill its valence shell.
Answer: Helium is an type of air that can be used to inflate balloons, balls, and other things that require air. The carbon dioxide we breath out is similar to this helium.
Hope this helps!