Because an excess of carbon dioxide could lead to global warming and affect climate drastically causing it to be warmer and destroy habitats such as penguins or polar bears.
1 The question asks for a certain quantity of examples in a list (Name 6 factors that contributed to the start of World War I, What 3 subatomic particles constitute an atom? etc).
2 The question is academically precise and, therefore, indecisive in the wording (What are the 2 kinds of loading most professional engineers and academics in the field of engineering today generally consider to be relevant in most cases when considering typical types of structure usually made of common materials using well-understand methods?)
3 The question challenges the answerer to defend a position as opposed to merely rattling off a list based on knowledge alone, thereby invoking higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. (What are 4 arguments that could be used to defend arguments made by the physicists of the day that electromagnetic waves must move through an illusive substance called 'the ether?)
F = 2π I R B
The magnetic force is described by the equation.
F = q v x B = i L x B
Where i is the current, L is a vector that points in the direction of the current (length) and B is the magnetic field.
This equation can be used in scalar form and the direction of the force found by the right hand ruler, the thumb goes in the direction of L, the fingers extended in the direction of B and the palm of the hand indicates the direction of the force if the load is positive
F = i L B sin θ
In this case the wire is in the xy plane and the z-axis field whereby they are perpendicular, θ = 90º and sin 90 = 1
F = i L B
The loop length is
L = 2π R
F = i 2π R B
F = 2π I R B
The force is in the loop
Initial speed, v = 10 x 10^3 m/s
Mass of the earth, M = 6 x 10^24 kg
Radius of the earth, R = 6.4 x 10^6 m
Maximum from the surface of earth, h = ?
Let m = Mass of the projectile
Potential energy at maximum height = ( Potential + Kinetic energy ) at the surface


No the mold should not be of the same size as that of sculpture because the material from which molds is made may shrink or expand depending upon its properties .
For example grey cast iron shrinks on cooling.
We need to make mold bigger in general so that if there is a need of finishing it can be done easily without altering the size of sculpture.