The shear plane angle and shear strain are 28.21° and 2.155 respectively.
Orthogonal cutting is the cutting process in which cutting direction or cutting velocity is perpendicular to the cutting edge of the part surface.
Rake angle is 12°.
Chip thickness before cut is 0.32 mm.
Chip thickness is 0.65 mm.
Chip reduction ratio is calculated as follows:

r = 0.4923
Shear angle is calculated as follows:

is shear plane angle, r is chip reduction ratio and
is rake angle.
Substitute all the values in the above equation as follows:

Thus, the shear plane angle is 28.21°.
Shears train is calculated as follows:

Thus, the shear strain rate is 2.155.
The answer is below
a) The weight of the combined system is the sum of the weight of the water and the weight of the tank

b) Since the weight of a system can be divided into smaller portions, hence weight is an extensive property.
c) When analyzing the acceleration of gases as they flow through a nozzle, the geometry of the nozzle which is an open system can be chosen as our system.
d) Given that:

This is a very very difficult one for me, let me get back to you with the proper answer.
On highways, the far left lane is usually the<u> fastest</u> moving traffic.
Answer: Option D.
For the most part, the right lane of a freeway is for entering and leaving the traffic stream. It is an arranging path, for use toward the start and end of your interstate run. The center paths are for through traffic, and the left path is for passing. On the off chance that you are not passing somebody, try not to be driving in the left path.
Regular practice and most law on United States expressways is that the left path is saved for passing and quicker moving traffic, and that traffic utilizing the left path must respect traffic wishing to surpass.
This is an arch, its basically a half circle attach to a rectangle, you could also think of it as an upside down U. A dome is a Sphere with the inside hollowed out.
1 difference is a dome is a 3 dimensional shape while an arch is normally not. Or that a dome is the complete shape with a arch act as it’s diameter.