Surface tension - My definition -
It's exactly what it says - The tension of a surface with a liquid (such as water), caused by the attraction of the surfaces layer ---- I hope this helps ---- I actually did research it and got some of this from a dictionary, but I changed some of it, too.... Sorry if this doesn't help :)
Answer: 1- A diagram showing the forces acting on the object.
2- The force vector describes a specific amount of force and its direction. You need both value and direction to have a vector.
3- A vector quantity has a direction and a magnitude, while a scalar has only a magnitude. You can tell if a quantity is a vector by whether or not it has a direction associated with it.
4- I don’t know
5- When two forces acting on an object are equal in size but act in opposite directions, we say that they are balanced forces
6- By applying an unbalanced force, you can change the motion of an object. Unbalanced forces can make an object at rest start moving, make a moving object stop, or change the direction and speed of the object.
7- If the forces on an object are unbalanced, this is what happens: a stationary object starts to move in the direction of the resultant force.
8- Imbalance or unequal force
9- The result is no motion. Balanced forces can cancel each other out. Any time there is a balanced force, the object does not move.
10- net force is the vector sum of all the forces that act upon an object.
That's a great idea ! A wind turbine (windmill) or solar panels
on the roof of every WalMart, but don't stop there. Let K-Mart,
Target, Sears, Macy's, 7-11, McDonald's, and Subway in on it too.
In fact, why not place them on the roof of every house and
apartment building too ?
Just one question: Who's going to pay for them ?
The biggest single year-round residential use of energy in the
USA is to heat up and keep a ready supply of hot water. So the
single biggest residential use of energy could be eliminated with
a simple solar water heater on the roof of every house. From my
own personal observation, I know that Israel is there now, but here
in the USA, it's apparently not worth the time, effort, or expense ! ? !
B. Kinetic
Kinetic energy depends on motion and mass
The reason why the reaction takes place faster when the
temperature is higher is that the collision of particles of the object
increases. In order to have a faster reaction, you would need the particles of
the object to get excited and increase its collision to other particles. This
can be achieved through increasing the temperature.