In this diagram, the phenomenon moving from medium A which represents water to medium B that represents air is called refraction.
Refraction takes place when light passes through a water surface due to its refractive index which is 1.33. Air possesses a refractive index of about 1. Looking at the phenomenon moving between medium A and B, it seems to bend at the water's surface. This happens because of the bending of the light rays as they move from the water to the air. The time when the rays reach the eyes, the eyes trace them back as straight lines or lines of sight. These lines divide at a higher position than where the actual rays originated. This causes the phenomenon to appear higher and the water to appear shallower than what it is in reality.
Question 1: A material that causes a wave to bounce off it is called the. Answer : Reflection
Question 2: A material that takes in a wave when the wave hits is called the. Answer: Absorber
The 2s orbital is at a higher energy level.
1s and 2s are the sub-orbitals that are located in an atom. They are nearest to the nucleus and are found on the s sub-orbital. The difference between 1s and 2s is the difference in their level of energy. 1s has low energy as compared to 2s. 1s orbital has the lowest energy because it is located closed to the nucleus. 2s orbital has higher energy than 1s because it's orbit is larger than 1s.
I attended the answer. I hope this helps you.
Sunscreen can have negative effects on corals and other marine organisms under certain circumstances.