a. burning of fossil fuel
Greenhouse effect is the trapping of the sun infrared rays in the outermost layer of the earths atmosphere due to the accumulation of some harmful gasses. This gases depletes the ozone layer
The major contributor of greenhouse gases is the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxides are released into the atmosphere and leads to global warming and climatic changes per time
B. The elastic portion of a straight-line, downward-sloping demand curve corresponds to the segment above the midpoint.
Elasticity measures the sensitivity of one variable to another. Specifically it is a figure that indicates the percentage variation that a variable will experience in response to a variation of another one percent.
The elasticity of demand measures the reaction of demand when one of the factors that affects it varies.
<u>Elasticity - Price of demand.</u>
easure the sensitivity of the quantity demanded to price variations. It indicates the percentage variation that the quantity demanded of a good will experience if its price rises by 1 percent.
Elastic Demand
The demand quantity is relatively sensitive to price variations, so the total expenditure on the product decreases when the price rises, the price elasticity takes value greater than -∞ but less than -1
The periodic table illustrate some of the elements from Hydrogen to Calcium

<u>Motion With Constant Acceleration
It's a type of motion in which the velocity of an object changes uniformly over time.
The equation that describes the change of velocities is:

a = acceleration
vo = initial speed
vf = final speed
t = time
Solving the equation for a:

The ball starts at rest (vo=0) and rolls down an inclined plane that makes it reach a speed of vf=7.5 m/s in t=3 seconds.
The acceleration is: