The answers would be:
--- Energy of compressed spring
--- Energy of coal
--- Energy of a guitar string when plucked.
--- Energy from a flashlight when turned on.
If you'd like to know why:
Energy can be divided into two broad categories, which are:
Potential and Kinetic energy. They differ from each other whereas <em>potential energy</em> is what we call <u>STORED </u>energy and <em>kinetic energy</em> is what we call energy <u>IN MOTION.</u>
Energy is then subdivided further into more specific forms of energy.
In your case, under potential energy you have the compressed spring and coal. A compressed spring's energy is stored through tension, which makes energy MECHANICAL energy. The energy in coal on the other hand comes in the form of CHEMICAL energy, where the energy is stored in the atomic bonds.
Under kinetic energy you have guitar string when plucked (the plucked part is the important clue) and the flashlight turned on. The guitar string creates sound when plucked, so the energy form in this case is what we call SOUND energy. The flashlight on the other hand creates light, which produces RADIANT energy. The energy here is in motion and it is travelling in waves.