(a) The announcer's claim is incorrect because the divers enter at a speed of 20.4 and not 25 m/s as announced
(b) it’s possible for a diver to enter the water with the velocity of 25 m/s if he has initial velocity of 14.4 m/s. The upward initial velocity can’t be physically attained
To find the final velocity
for an object traveling distance h taking the initial vertical component of velocity as
the kinematics equation is written as
where a is acceleration
Substituting g for a where g is gravitational force value taken as 9.81

Since the initial velocity is zero, we can solve for final velocity by substituting figures, note that 70 ft is 21.3 m for h
= 20.44275
Therefore, the divers enter with a speed of 20.4 m/s
The announcer's claim is incorrect because the divers enter at a speed of 20.4 and not 25 m/s as announced
The divers can enter water with a velocity of 25 m/s only if they have some initial velocity. Using the kinematic equation

Since we have final velocity of 25 m/s

= 14.390761 m/s
Therefore, it’s possible for a diver to enter the water with the velocity of 25 m/5 if he has initial velocity of 14.4 m/s
In conclusion, the upward initial velocity can’t be physically attained