Answer: c) Positive acceleration describes an increase in speed; negative acceleration describes a decrease in speed.
On Earth, you can move or you can not move. if you are moving 50 mph that means relative to Earth (not the Andromeda galaxy). When you start moving (accelerating) you are now moving relative to Earth. when you start slowing down (decelerating [most scientists just say you have negative acceleration]) you are starting to match your velocity to Earth's velocity.
Hope it helped and made any sence at all.
Spiky bob your answerer.
Answer: Electromagnetism and sound
In the real universe, no black holes contain singularities. In general, singularities are the non-physical mathematical result of a flawed physical theory.
Voltage is the difference in charge between two points.
Current is the rate the charge flows
Resistance is the tendency a material has to resist the flow of charge (current)
Combining voltage resistance and current Ohm developed the formula
V (Voltage)= I (Current) x R (Resistance)
The CNS (Central Nervous System) consists of the brain and spinal cord.