the stratosphere is the second major layer of the atmosphere just above the troposphere, it has its lower area to be cooler and higher area to be warmer due to the ozone layers absorption of ultraviolet rays. It is also the layers which planes fly through because it is stable.
The magnitude of the force between the two parallel wires is 0.0111 N.
length of the two parallel wires, L = 42 m
distance between the two wires, r = 0.03 m
current in both wires, I₁, I₂ = 6.3 A
Therefore, the magnitude of the repulsive force between the two parallel wires is given by;

Therefore, the magnitude of the force between the two parallel wires is 0.0111 N.
mass of jogger = 67 kg
speed in east direction = 2.3 m/s
mass of jogger 2 = 70 Kg
speed = 1.3 m/s in 61 ° north of east.
jogger one

P = P₁ + P₂

the angle is
north of east
Answer & Explanation: Waste management are all activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. There are several methods of managing waste with its strengths and weaknesses. The strengths include;
* It creates employment
* It keeps the environment clean
* The practice is highly lucrative
* It saves the earth and conserves energy
The weaknesses of the methods of waste management includes;
* The sites are often dangerous
* The process is mostly
* There is a need for global buy-in
* The resultant product had a short life