before the substance was a gas it was a liquid.
Most viscous to least viscous: 
For hydrocarbons, viscosity increases with increasing molar mass. Because increasing molar mass signifies increase in number of electrons in molecules.
We know that in non-polar hydrocarbons, only van der waal intermolecular force exists. Van der waal force is proportional to number of electrons in a molecule.
Therefore with increasing molar mass, van der waal force increases. hence molecules gets more tightly bind with each other resulting increase in viscosity.
Here molar mass order : 
Therefore viscosity order : 
Plants and animals are pH sensitive. The growth of plants is dependent on the nature of the soil. If the pH of the soil is greater than 7 and is alkaline, then the plants cannot grow in the soil.
Change the places of 'acts against the motion of an object' and 'causes an object to change speed or direction'
by putting to much current through it ?