If we look at all the options listed, we will notice that the rate of reaction of bromine with each one differs significantly.
For 1-pentene, addition of bromine across the double bond is a relatively fast process. It is usually used as a test for unsaturation. Bromine water is easily decolorized by alkenes.
Cyclohexane, heptane are alkanes. They can only react with chlorine in the presence of sunlight. This is a substitution reaction. It does not occur easily. A certain quantum of light is required for the reaction to occur.
For benzene, bromine can only react with it by electrophilic substitution in which the benzene ring is retained. A Lewis acid is often required for the reaction to occur and it doesn't occur easily.
Movement in narrow zones along plate boundaries causes most earthquakes. Most seismic activity occurs at three types of plate boundaries—divergent, convergent, and transform. As the plates move past each other, they sometimes get caught and pressure builds up.
PE, GO, XY - I am probably wrong xoxoxoxoxxo
work out if it's either going to sink or float
this can be carried out by calculating the numbers