505929 AU
As you may know, one light-year is equivalent to approximately 63241.1 Astronomical Units. To get your answer, simply multiply 63241.1 * 8 to get ≈505929 AU
Magnet: It has two poles: South pole and North pole.
Magnetic field lines are stronger near the poles of the magnet.
Same poles repel each other. There is a magnetic force of repulsion between the same poles. North- North poles repel each other.
Unlike poles attract each other. There is magnetic force of attraction between the opposite poles. South- North poles attract each other.
Mono poles cannot exist.
From the given statements, the magnetic poles are described by:
A north pole must exist with a south pole.
Two south poles placed near each other will repel each other.
A north pole and a south pole placed near each other will attract each other.
Is there information in the previous question which relates to this one?
-- 'Acceleration' does NOT mean 'speeding up'.
It means ANY change in the speed OR direction of motion ...
speeding up, slowing down, or turning.
-- If an object is NOT moving in straight line at constant speed,
then its motion is accelerated.
-- In circular motion, or even just going around a curve,
the object is accelerating, because its direction is constantly
changing, even if its speed is constant.