These 5 metals are: zinc,copper,tin,bronze,nickel

Based on the acting force that is applied horizontally, one can propose the following equation based on Newton's laws:

Nevertheless, since we've got a angled force, it becomes:

In this case,
accounts for the formed angle, so the horizontal acceleration turns out into:

Best regads.
Yes they do if that was your question
9 grams of hydrogen gas (H2) will SC Johnson need to react in order to make 1 bottle of Windex.
Balance equation for the formation of ammonia from H2 gas.
N2 + 3H2 ⇒ 2 
mass of ammonia in 1 bottle of windex = 51 gram
atomic mass of ammonia 17.01 gram/mole
number of moles = 
number of moles = 
= 3 moles of ammonia is formed.
in 1 bottle of windex there are 3 moles of ammonia 0r 51 grams of ammonia.
From the equation it can be found that:
3 moles of hydrogen reacted to form 2 moles of ammonia
so, x moles of hydrogen will react to form 3 moles of ammonia.
x = 4.5 moles of hydrogen will be required.
to convert moles into gram formula used:
mass = atomic mass x number of moles (atomic mass of H2 is 2grams/mole)
= 2 x 4.5
= 9 grams of hydrogen.
Reaction I: Sodium + Aluminum chloride →Sodium chloride + Aluminum
Sodium being more reactive means that it will take the place of aluminium in whats called a displacement reaction and form.
Sodium chloride + Aluminum