Electrification is widely considered as a viable strategy for reducing the oil dependency and environmental impacts of road transportation. In pursuit of this strategy, most attention has been paid to electric cars. However, substantial, yet untapped, potentials could be realized in urban areas through the large-scale introduction of electric two-wheelers.
The bar magnet and the electromagnet act identical. The difference being a electromagnet is a coil of wire that has a power source connect to both ends, this energizes the coil with an electromagnetic field.
E. All of the Above
By doing any kind of exercise or physical activity, you are increasing your overall health. Your muscle strengthen because of the jumping and movement of arms. You are more alert because you have to time each jump right in order to keep going. By breathing evenly while jumping, you do help your Cardiorespiratory fitness as well. And of course, you increase your athletic ablility over all with much endurance and practice.
it needs to be shaken but make sure you have enough room to shake it safely
To properly operate the laboratory thermometer it needs to be shaken but make sure you have enough room to shake it safely. This done because there is a small bend in the mercury channel of a clinical thermometer that uses mercury. You must shake the thermometer to get the mercury from a previous reading from the thermometer back into the bulb for taking new reading. The bend prevents flow back into the tube so that one can comfortably take reading.

Data provided in the question
The potential energy of a pair of hydrogen atoms given by 
Based on the given information, the force that one atom exerts on the other is
Potential energy μ = 
Force exerted by one atom upon another



As we can see that the
comes in positive and constant which represents that the force is negative that means the force is attractive in nature