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However, an alpha hydrogen is the hydrogen that is found on the alpha, α-carbon in an organic molecule. Alpha carbon is referred to the first carbon that is attached to a functional group. Generally, compounds that do not have alpha carbon do not have alpha hydrogen. For example, first member of all functional groups do not usually have alpha carbon and hence do not have alpha hydrogen.
Also, Alkanes, alkenes and alkynes do not have also
Plants using glucose to make ATP molecules during the process of photosynthesis which results in the plant releasing oxygen.
This is cellular respiration. ↑
7. Tungsten is a conductor, the rest listed are insulators.
8. Thermal Energy
One arrow is positioned in each box according to Hund's Rule which tells us to maximise the number of unpaired electrons in orbitals of the same subshell, and, to give those electrons the same "spin" (parallel spin).
The color changes, heat change, smell change, are a few