b. Thermal energy will flow from your hand to the snowball.
NaCl is a compound formed by a chemical reaction between Na (Sodium) and Cl (Chlorine). Sodium is an alkai metal in Group One of the Periodic Table, and it is very reactive. All alkai metals react violently with water and they are often found combined in nature because they are that reactive. Chlorine is a halogen in Group 17 of the Periodic Table and they are very reactive.
Below is an attachment containing the solution
IM sure there is C, D, and E in kuiper belts, but not really sure of silicon and iron
DetaM=4 x 1.02875 - 4.002603
DetaM= 0.028697u
Using E= mc²
= 0.028697 x 1.49x*10^-10
= 4.2x10^-12J