Answer: An electric circuit is a representation of how current moves from the source of the current( example a battery or a cell) through resistors and other devices before entering the source.
The two important types of electrical circuit includes:
--> open circuit and
--> closed circuit.
A circuit is said to be open when the electrical source, such as the battery or the cell, is not connected to any external conductor (or resistance). In this situation, any voltmeter connected across the terminal of the cell measures the total driving force of the cell.
In this type of circuit, current cannot flow from one end of power source to the other due to interruptions.
A circuit is said to be closed if the source of electricity is connected to an external conductor through which current is passed.
In a closed circuit, there is complete electrical connection which allows current to flow or circulate. Here, part of the total driving force of the source is used to drive current through the external resistance and the difference is used to overcome the internal resistance of the battery.
soundproofing or absorbing
Acoustics is the study of waves, vibrations and sound and its most common applications lie in the sound and noise control industries. Acoustic protection is the application of soft and porous material to protect individuals against undesirable sounds and noises.
cushioned seats and carpeted floors are used in soundproofing to block the unwanted noise and sound.
The Cheapest Ways To Soundproof A Room
1. Rugs:
Rugs make excellent vibration dampeners.
2. Weather Stripping:
If you know that sound is getting into your room via the door or the windows then a very cheap and effective solution can be to use weather stripping.
3. Blankets.
4. Curtains.
5. Egg Cartons.
Homemade Soundproofing Panels
Without knowing anything about their magnitudes or directions, the only thing you can always say about thier combination is that it's the "net force" on the object.
C)The Same
Kinematics equation:

for both cases the initial velocity in the axis Y is the same, equal a zero.
So the relation between the height ant temps is the same for both cases (the horizontal velocity does not play a role)
C)The Same
Number one- numbers of items sold. Number two- Thursday and Friday. Number three- 1,200. Number four-150