Newtons law of gravitation is called the universal law of gravitation because it is applicable for all masses at all distances, independent of the medium.
1. e) None of the above is necessarily true.
2.d) Without knowing the mass of the boat and the sack, we cannot tell.
The energy of an x-ray photon used for single dental x-rays is

The energy of a photon is related to its wavelength by the equation

is the Planck constant
is the speed of light
is the wavelength
Re-arranging the equation for the wavelength, we find

The energy of an x-ray photon used in microtomography is 2.5 times greater than the energy of the photon used in part A), so its energy is

And so, by using the same formula we used in part A), we can calculate the corresponding wavelength:

The heavier something is, the harder it is to slow down. As such, higher amounts of mass result in a lower rate of slowing.
is for work it is also repreasent by SI