Anemometer. An anemometer is a type of weather instrument that measures wind speed.
Most likely the second one (sand letting water run through it) because if you are trying to determine how what moves through soil You would want the one the one that can do that:)
I don't know if this helps but here
What did whales look like million years ago?
It lived in or near estuaries about 50 to 48 million years ago. Like Pakicetus, it spent time both in and out of water, but its large feet looked more like flippers than its ancestor's longer legs. ... This five-metre-long animal had proper flippers and tiny hind legs.
<u>During Metaphase</u>
During Metaphase the cell chromosome align themselves in the middle of the cell.This occur due to a cellular process called "Tug of War".
The chromosome which have been replicated and joined at the central point called centromere are called sister chromatids
Prior to metaphase , Kinetochore type of protein are formed around the centromere. Long protein filament called kinetochore are extended from poles to other end of the cell attached to kinetochore.
Therse is important checkpoint in the middle of mitosis called<u> metaphase.</u>
At this point cell ensure that , it is ready to divide or not.
Once the cell ensure that everything is ready to divide. Only after then , yhe cell enters the fourth phase called <u>anaphase.</u>