No. The moon always keeps the same side facing us. Its rotation and revolution periods are equal.
AnMolar mass of CuCO3 = 123.5549 g/mol
This compound is also known as Copper(II) Carbonate.
Convert grams CuCO3 to moles or moles CuCO3 to grams
Molecular weight calculation:
63.546 + 12.0107 + 15.9994*3
Percent composition by element
Element Symbol Atomic Mass # of Atoms Mass Percent
Copper Cu 63.546 1 51.431%
Carbon C 12.0107 1 9.721%
Oxygen O 15.9994 3 38.848%
125 cm^3 ——————)-)-()-)))-
An LDR's resistance changes with light intensity, while a thermistor's resistancce changes with temperature.
In dark, LDR's resistance is large and in the day/light LDR's resistance is small.
At low temperature, thermistor's resistance is large, while at large temperature it resistance is small.
In an LDR Resistance increases as light intensity falls, while in a thermistor resistance falls as temperature falls.
The coriolis effect is due to the rotation of the earth. Look up youtube videos on it, its pretty cool. If we didn't have coriolis effect then hurricane's wouldn't even form! Also it affects the trajectory of hurricanes. If you look at a path a hurricane takes it always curves quite a bit. That's also because of the coriolis affect. Imagine you're on a merry go round or on some spinning disk. You throw a ball towards the center. The ball will seem to curve away from your target because you're spinning. Now its not because the ball curved and you missed, the ball goes in a straight line but because of the spinning the target you aimed at shifted.