The symbol of isotopes used for blood flow analysis is
- Isotopes are the substances that exhibit the same atomic number but has a different mass number of an element.
- The atomic number explains the number of protons present in the element and mass number explains the number of neutrons available in the element.
- For blood flow analysis, the isotope element is cerium-141 and it is used in the chemical examination of blood flow particles.
- Symbol used for this isotope is
, where 141 indicates the amount of mass present and 58 indicates the proton number and 83 indicates neutron number present in that element.
- The amount of mass in an atom is calculated by the sum of protons and neutrons present in it. Thus mass of isotope is 141 obtained by the sum of 58 protons and 83 neutrons present in that isotope.
So back in 1665 Robert hook was able to view cells and describe them along with pictures, the reason he was able to see cells was because the microscope was invented a bit before, which allowed him to think about things differently, he was looking at a cork and saw squared objects, these objects were cells, according to him.
So while the cork was the reason he discovers cells on it in the first place,
The microscope was what allowed him to do that
Answer is: the discovery of sub atomic particles like electrons.
J. J. Thomson discovered the electron in 1897.
His "plum pudding" model (1904) suggested: the electrons are embedded in the positive charge.
With this model, he abandoned his earlier hypothesis (the atom was composed of immaterial vortices).
J.J. Thomson placed two oppositely charged electric plates around the cathode ray. He did experiments using different metals as electrode materials and found that the properties of the cathode ray remained constant no matter what cathode material he used.
Tomson concluded that atoms are divisible and that the corpuscles are their building blocks (atoms are made up of smaller particles).
Answer: The solubility of B is high than the solubility of A.
The solubility is defined as the amount of substance dissolved in a given amount of solvent. More the solute gets dissolved, high will be the solubility and less the solute dissolved, low will be the solubility.
Mass of undissolved substance of substance A is more than Substance B at every temperature. This implies that less amount of solute gets dissolved in the given amount of solvent.
Therefore, B has high solubility than substance A.