In 1897, the British physicist J. J. Thomson (1856–1940) proved that atoms were not the most basic form of matter. He demonstrated that cathode rays could be deflected, or bent, by magnetic or electric fields, which indicated that cathode rays consist of charged particles (Figure 2.2.2 ). More important, by measuring the extent of the deflection of the cathode rays in magnetic or electric fields of various strengths, Thomson was able to calculate the mass-to-charge ratio of the particles. These particles were emitted by the negatively charged cathode and repelled by the negative terminal of an electric field. Because like charges repel each other and opposite charges attract, Thomson concluded that the particles had a net negative charge; these particles are now called electrons. Most relevant to the field of chemistry, Thomson found that the mass-to-charge ratio of cathode rays is independent of the nature of the metal electrodes or the gas, which suggested that electrons were fundamental components of all atoms.
I think it is the letter A because they both Make sense
'Wave' is a common term for a number of different ways in which energy is transferred: In electromagnetic waves, energy is transferred through vibrations of electric and magnetic fields.
i hope this helps and your welcom
The magnet uses electromagnetic induction meaning it can be readily magnetized and demagnetized (using electricity) when required. When electricity is switched on, it becomes magnetized and lifts an object and when electricity is switched off, it loses magnetism and releases the object.
The magnetic is able to lift heavy objects because it has powerful conductor material (ferromagnetic iron) and the number of electromagnetic coils is many to induce a powerful magnetic force. The electric current, inducing the magnetism, is also powerful.
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