The best glasses have a wider bowl than rim to allow for proper swirling. The swirl releases volatile aroma compounds and creates a vortex in the center of the glass towards which these compounds are drawn
Aesthetic sports
Aesthetic sports are the one's that need well-developed physical qualities such as strength, agility, stamina, flexibility, and technical knowledge and artistry, in addition to technical ability and artistry. Elite athletes in these sports generally have a low abdominal fat , and the ranking is subjective.
In aesthetic sports like gymnastics, swimming, and figure skaters, dynamic and proactive flexibility is required.
Which of the following had have the highest viscosity ?
B) corn syrup bevause corn syrup is a mixture of 2 elements
(A) more rapidly than
With higher temperatures, object's molecules (and atoms) have higher kinetic energy which is due to faster "jiggling" (vibrations). On a hot day these vibrations in the material the sidewalk is made of are more rapid than on a cold day, just as their temperatures differ.