Asteroids come from the asteroid belt
Commutator is the answer
The commutator systematically converts the current direction between the rotor and the outer circuit. As the shaft revolves, the commutator converts the course of current in a winding. For a separate armature winding, when a cylinder has reached one-half perfect turn, the winding is now attached so that current passes through it in the reverse of the original direction.
Firstly, the chemical equation between the calcium metal and water will be:
Ca(s) + 2 H₂O(l) → Ca(OH)₂(aq) + H₂(g)
We can see from the equation the bubbles of hydrogen gas which are formed during the reaction stick to the surface of the metal and hence calcium floats on water.
The other metal that will float on the water during the reaction is magnesium which have the same chemical behavior like calcium, we can illustrate that by the chemical equation:
Mg(s) + 2 H₂O(l) → Mg(OH)₂(aq) + H₂(g)
la respuesta es Metales
Buenos conductores del calor y la electricidad ... Los metales alcalino-térreos siempre pierden dos electrones y presentan iones con carga
Your best guess for the boiling point of any version of Coke would be 100 C, the boiling point of water.
Diet Coke is mostly water (the flavourings are a very small amount relative to the amount of water). The largest ingredient will be the sweetener but there will be only a fraction of a gram of that. It is unlikely you will notice any deviation from the properties of water.
Standard Coke has quite a lot of sugar in it. A standard can (~300ml) contains about 40g of sugar. To put it another way, the contents are more than 10% sugar by weight and the solution is about 1/3 mol/L of sucrose (other sugars will be slightly different). A standard calculation using the ebullioscopic constant for water suggests the elevation of the boiling point will be barely 0.2 C, so small you'd struggle to measure it without good instruments and a good experimental setup.