Answer: The chemical formula for dinitrogen tetraoxide is
. This is a covalent compound, therefore, it uses prefixes (e.g. di-, tetra-) to indicate the number of atoms of each element present in the compound.
Further Explanation:
Covalent compounds are compounds made up of two or more non-metal elements. Non-metals are those that appear to the right of the zigzag line on the Periodic Table of Elements. Ionic compounds, on the other hand, are compounds that are made up of metal and non-metal elements. Metals are the elements found to the left of the zigzag line on the Periodic Table. Naming of ionic and covalent compounds are different.
Dinitrogen tetraoxide is a covalent compound because it consists of nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) atoms which are both non-metals.
The following prefixes added before the name of each element in a covalent compound:
di - 2
tri - 3
tetra - 4
penta - 5
hexa - 6
hepta - 7
octa - 8
nona - 9
deca - 10
The last part of the second element is changed to - IDE for binary compounds (compounds made up of only two types of atoms). If it is a ternary compound and one element is oxygen, the last part of the second element (other than oxygen) is changed to -ATE.
Learn More:
- Learn more about covalent compounds
- Learn more about ionic compounds
- Learn more about compounds
Keywords: nomenclature, compounds, covalent