As you said you already know, energy cannot be created or destroyed.
You cannot gain energy or lose energy, it can only be converted. So if you start on a 3m high hill and go down it, your potential energy is equal to mgh, and if you get to the bottom of the hill, your KE would be equal to your PE at the top, and when you start going up another hill again, the maximum height you can reach is 3m, because energy cannot be created or destroyed, and your mass and gravitational acceleration are the same, so therefore you can only reach the same height you started from due to the conservation of energy.

h = Planck's constant = 
m = Mass of electron = 
k = Coulomb constant = 
e = Charge of electron = 
n = 1 (ground state)
Angular momentum is given by

From Bohr's atomic model we have

The centripetal force will balance the electrostatic force

The diameter is 
I would say D.) The ball bounces many times suggesting the energy is used up efficiently
No se ha da han dicho nada más de lo dicho y han ido de vuelta y han dicho nada más de que se pueda hacer el favor del niño