B and C
Because EMWs are varying magnetic and electric radiation traveling at 90° to each other propagating energy form one place to another through vibration of these magnetic and electric fields
K2 = N*K1
The force you apply to each section is the same you apply to the whole spring, but the extension of each section is dX/N (if dX is the extension of the entire spring)
electromagnetic waves
"wave" is a common term for a number different ways in which energy is transferred
A physical change in something doesn't change what the it is. For example, if you break glass, it will still be glass. In a chemical change where there is a chemical reaction, a new thing is formed and energy is either given off or absorbed. For example, when you burn a log. The carbon in the log is reacting to the oxygen to create ashe and smoke
Answer:The sun, earth, and moon are held together by gravity, and they interact in lots of ways.
- The tides are another interaction in the sun-earth-moon system. The tides happen because the moon and sun pull on the oceans, causing them to rise and fall each day. The moon has a bigger effect than the sun because it is closer.