F=9/5C+32 is the formula for Celsius to Fahrenheit.
The distance of separation is decreased
From Cuolomb's law, we know that the strength of charge is inversely proportional to the distance of separation between the charges. To mean that increasing the distance let's say from 2m to 3 m would mean initial strength getting form 1/4 to 1/9 which is a decrease. The vice versa is true hence the force of repulsion can increase only when we decrease the distance of separation.
Your answer would be Radioactive Decay and Heat of formation.
When earth first formed it was very violant. Some planetary scientists believe that the moon was created from a collision involving earth and Thea (a theoretical dwarf planet). these collisions that have formed earth heated it so much that it is still hot from them.
Radioactivce decay is another major fource of internal heat for earth.
I don't know the answer I need points before I fail my math test
its the the first one u said