The answer would be how much greenhouse gas does your fuel produce compared with the current fuel sources.
hope this helps
The 4:00 time because later that afternoon would be later in the day
4 significant figures
Significant figures are the units/digits within a number that make the number more accurate and precise.
All digits (except for 0) are always significant. Therefore, all the digits in 43.55 are significant. Since there are 4 digits in the given number, there are 4 significant figures.
The procedure you will use in this exercise exploits the difference in acidity and solubility just described.
(a) you will dissolve your unknown in ethyl acetate (an organic solvent). All of the possible compounds are soluble in ethyl acetate.
(b) you will extract with sodium bicarbonate to remove any carboxylic acid that is present.
(c) you will extract with sodium hydroxide to remove any phenol that is present.
(d) you will acidify both of the resulting aqueous solutions to cause any compounds that were extracted to precipitate.