<h3>During wet and freezing temperatures, ice is able to form at a faster pace on bridges because freezing winds blow from above and below and both sides of the bridge, causing heat to quickly escape. The road freezes slower because it is merely losing heat through its surface.</h3>
-- https://intblog.onspot.com/en-us/why-do-bridges-become-icy-before-roads
-- https://www.accuweather.com/en/accuweather-ready/why-bridges-freeze-before-roads/687262
I hope this helps you! ^^
Answer: If x + y = a, xxy = b and x • a = 1 , then 2 (a~ - l)a- a x b (b2 ... xy-plane, then the vector in the same plane having projections
Also, gases like air are easily compressed. The weight of all the air above a given point in the atmosphere squeezes air molecules closer together. This causes the density to increase. The more air above a level (and hence the more weight of air above a level), the greater the compression.
Step By Step Explanation:
The magma cools very slowly so that the crystals of different minerals have time to grow. The magma molecules in have time to organize themselves into crystal formations before the magma hardens. The naked eye helps the Intrusive rocks that has large crystals be seen.