Although chlorine itself usually does not cause environmental harm, it combines rapidly to form chemicals such as dioxins that pollute water, contaminate fish and transfer to humans and larger animals that eat the fish.
I believe that the choices for this question are:
C2H4O2, C4H8O4 CH2O, C6H12O6 C3H6O3, C6H12O6 C2H4O2, C6H12O6
The answer to this based on the molar masses given is:
C2H4O2, C6H12O6
To prove calculate the molar mass:
C2H4O2 = 2*12 + 4*1 + 2*16 = 60
C6H12O6 = 6*12 + 12*1 + 6*16 = 180
Although 1013.25 mb (760 mm Hg) is considered to be the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level, it does not mean that the pressure at this level has this value, actually this being 1011 mb.
The electrical conductivity of a solution is the measure of the solution's ability to allow current to pass through it. This property is attributed to the amount of ions that are present in the solution. So, the answer to this item is IONS which are the positively or negatively charged particles.