The coefficient in a chemical formula represents the amount of each chemical present. The amount of a substance is measured in moles.
The element that has the fewest valence electrons available for bonding I believe is Hydrogen.
1) The question contains an unknown unit
The number 8908.8 has to be in units of mass: for example, kg or grams.
Here you indicated L.
I am going to work assuming that L is a mass unit. So you can see the way to solve the problem, but you have to verifiy the real unit of the statement and substitute with it.
With that in mind you can find the density of the liquid from:
density = mass / volume
2) Calculate the volume.
The volume of the liquid is the volume of the vessel, because it is filled.
The volume of the vessel is calculated from the formula of volume for a rectantular prism.
Volume of a rectangular prism = area of the base * height = side * side * height
=> Volume = 10 dm * 4 dm * 6 dm = 240 dm^3 = 240 liter
3) Calculate the density:
density = mass /volume = 8,908.8 L / 240 liter = 37.12 L / dm^3
Answer: 37.12 L / dm^3
Atomic radius
Ionization energy
Groups 14, 15, and 16 have 2,3, and 4 electrons in the p sublevel (p sublevel has 3 "spaces" AKA orbitals), because Hunds says one in each orbital before doubling up if you had 2 electrons, group 14, they would both be in the first orbital, with 3 electrons, group 15, two in the first orbital one in the 2nd none in the 3rd. With 4 electrons, group 16, then you would have 2 in the first 2 orbitals and NONE in the 3rd.
If you are in group 13 you only have 1 electron so it can only be in one orbital. with group 17, you have 5 electrons, so 2 in the first 2 in the second and 1 in the 3rd, correct for Hunds rule anyway. Noble gasses, group 18, have 6 elecctrons, so every orbital is full any way you look at it.