Atomic Size and Mass:
convert given density to kg/m^3 = 8900kg/m^3 2) convert to moles/m^3 (kg/m^3 * mol/kg) = 150847 mol/m^3 (not rounding in my actual calculations) 3) convert to atoms/m^3 (6.022^23 atoms/mol) = 9.084e28 atoms/m^3 4) take the cube root to get the number of atoms per meter, = 4495309334 atoms/m 5) take the reciprocal to get the diameter of an atom, = 2.2245e-10 m/atom 6) find the mass of one atom (kg/mol * mol/atoms) = 9.7974e-26 kg/atom Young's Modulus: Y=(F/A)/(dL/L) 1) F=mg = (45kg)(9.8N/kg) = 441 N 2) A = (0.0018m)^2 = 3.5344e-6 m^2 3) dL = 0.0016m 4) L = 2.44m 5) Y = 1.834e11 N/m^2 Interatomic Spring Stiffness: Ks,i = dY 1) From above, diameter of one atom = 2.2245e-10 m 2) From above, Y = 1.834e11 N/m^2 3) Ks,i = 40.799 N/m (not rounding in my actual calculations) Speed of Sound: v = ωd 1) ω = √(Ks,i / m,a) 2) From above, Ks,i = 40.799 N/m 3) From above, m,a = 9.7974e-26 kg 4) ω=2.0406e13 N/m*kg 5) From above, d=2.2245e-10 m 6) v=ωd = 4539 m/s (not rounding in actual calculations) Time Elapsed: 1) length sound traveled = L+dL = 2.44166 m 2) From above, speed of sound = 4539 m/s 3) T = (L+dL)/v = 0.000537505 s
Long question good luck:)
<em>If the force squeezing two surfaces together is decreased, the force of dry sliding friction between the two surfaces will most likely decrease. </em>
<u>therefore your answer is B)</u><u>d</u><u>e</u><u>crease </u>
Hope this helps you- have a good day bro cya)
John Dalton
Dalton's atomic theory was the foundation for a new understanding of chemical structures. He proposed that matter was constituted by indivisible and indestructible particles "atoms." He theorized that all atoms of a particular substance were equal, and the atoms of different substances had atoms of different sizes and masses.
He also proposed that all compounds of elements were combinations of elements but in a very precise ratio.
Ith air resistance acting on an object that has been dropped, the object will eventually reach a terminal velocity, which is around 53 m/s (195 km/h or 122 mph) for a human skydiver. ... (On the Moon, the gravitational acceleration is much less than on Earth, approximately 1.6 m/s2.)