when you are adding or subtracting numbers, the sigfig (significant figure) is based on how many numbers after the decimal. with this info, we can see that 15.67 has 2 sigfigs and 6.943 has 3 sigfigs. when you subtract normally, you would get 8.727, which has 3 sigfigs, so you would round the last 7 up to get 8.73 with 2 sigfigs!
also it is to 2 sigfigs because we know that we go by the least number of sigfigs. hope this helped!
1. When you first opened the bottle of coke the pressure of gas in the coke (increased) and the dissolved gas(leaves) the coke. 2. When you placed the coke in hot water , the pressure of gas in the coke (increased) and the dissolved gas(leaves) the coke 3. Therefore to increase the solubility of a gas in a liquid ( that is to make a gas more soluble in a liquid.
Hope it helps.
Both involve drilling into the earth and can cause environmental degradation.
Damian here! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
The newly hatched larva is in its first instar, a developmental stage that occurs between molts. It feeds until it grows too big for its cuticle, or soft shell, and then it molts. After molting, the larva is in the second instar. Ladybug larvae usually molt through four instars, or larval stages, before preparing to pupate.
hope this helps? :))