A. amount of precipitation, average temperature
Precipitation and average temperature are factors that climate includes. These factors are determined by other factors such as location of an area(like how far a place is from large bodies of water like the sea), ocean currents, lattitude (distance from the equator), winds (prevailing winds) , topography (such as mountains) and the like.
Electronegativity<span> is the measure of the ability of an atom to attract electrons to itself. Fluorine is the most </span>electronegative<span> element and francium is one of the least</span>electronegative<span>. ... The </span>molecule's polarity<span> will be determined on the negative and positive regions on the outer atoms in the </span>molecule<span>.</span>
168°C is the melting point of your impure sample.
Melting point of pure camphor= T =179°C
Melting point of sample = = ?
Depression in freezing point =
Depression in freezing point is also given by formula:
= The freezing point depression constant
m = molality of the sample = 0.275 mol/kg
i = van't Hoff factor
We have: = 40°C kg/mol
i = 1 ( non electrolyte)
168°C is the melting point of your impure sample.