Here's a useful factoid that you don't hear about very often:
1 volt means 1 Joule per Coulomb.
When 1 coulomb of charge falls or gets lifted through 1 volt potential difference, it gains or loses 1 Joule of energy.
If you want to lift 5 coulombs to a height of 1 volt, you have to give it 5 joules.
If you actually give those 5 coulombs 7.5 joules instead, they'll rise up to 1.5 volts above the potential where they started. The flowed through a potential DIFFERENCE of 1.5 volts.
(If they started at a point that's connected to the Earth, like a water pipe or a metal flagpole, then their new potential is 1.5 volts, because we define zero as the potential of the ground.)
The first, fourth and sixth options. A person walks up a flight of stairs, wind lifts a balloon into the air, and a weightlifter holds a barbell straight overhead.
1. When the object is waiting to be released, it is storing a lot of potential energy. When it is released, the potential energy that was once stored is converted into kinetic energy.
The center of mass for the object is from the origin
From the question we are told that
The mass of the first object is
The position of first object with respect to origin
The mass of the second object is
The position of second object with respect to origin
The mass of the third object is
The position of third object with respect to origin
The mass of the fourth object is
The position of fourth object with respect to origin
Generally the center of mass of the object along the x-axis is zero because all the mass lie on the y axis
Generally the location of the center mass of the object is mathematically represented as