The color blue emerges at 19.16° and the color red emerges at 19.32°.
The angle at which the two colors emerge can be calculated using the Snell's Law:

n₁ is the refractive index of the incident medium (air) = 1.0003
n₂ is the refractive index of the refractive medium:
blue light in crown glass = 1.524
red light in crown glass = 1.512
θ₁ is the angle of the incident light = 30°
θ₂ is the angle of the refracted light
<u>For the red wavelengths we have:</u>

<u>For the blue wavelengths we have</u>:
Therefore, the color blue emerges at 19.16° and the color red emerges at 19.32°.
I hope it helps you!