Your answer would be A because Earth is formed from cold gases collapsing due to gravity. The Solar System was formed when a huge amount of dust and gas began to collapse under its own gravity, and as the cloud collapse it started to spin causing the material within the cloud to gather into a swirl and then formed into planets and as the planets are formed they kept this spinning motion.
the sun makes it evaporate quicker if it is there for longer
Well this has a good chance of being wrong but i wanna say,
When you change a physical property of something it doesn't affect the chemicals that make it up. Like Ice, you can freeze water to make ice. You change a physical property (state of matter) but it's chemical properties don't change because in the end it's still water.
However if you remove a chemical property from something you are changing what made the new substance with will also change the substance along with it.
That's just what I think though
a. The electronic configuration of the hydride anion is 1s2. TRUE
b. The valence electronic configuration of strontium is 4d2. FALSE
c. For a given value of l the number of possible values of ml is 2l + 1. TRUE
d. Cu+ has the same electronic configuration as Ni. TRUE
e. The magnetic quantum number is never larger than the principle quantum number (for a given orbital). TRUE
a. The electronic configuration of the hydride anion is 1s² is true since the hydriden anion is the hdrogen atom which has gained an electron and we will add that electron to the 1s¹ configuration of H.
b. The valence electronic configuration of strontium is 4d2 is false since Sr is an element of period 5 , therefore its valece electrons are in in period five and it has 2 electrons because Sr belongs to group 2.
c. For a given value of l the number of possible values of ml is 2l+1 is true since this number gives the magnetic orientation for the sublevel. Thus for s there is only one orientation, then ml = 2 (0 ) +1 . Por p with l equal to 1 we have three possible orientations : 2(1) + 1 =3. The d and f sublevels have 10 and 14 orientations.
d. Cu⁺ has the the same electronic configuration as Ni is true since Cu, atomic number 29, has one more electron than its neighbor Ni with an atomic number of 28. If we remove one electron from copper we are gong to have the same 28 electrons niquel has in its neutral state.
e. The magnetic quantum number is never larger than the principal quantum number for a given orbital is true since l, the magnetic quantum number can have values up to n-1, the principal quantum number.