The period T of a pendulum is given by:

where L is the length of the pendulum while

is the gravitational acceleration.
In the pendulum of the problem, one complete vibration takes exactly 0.200 s, this means its period is

. Using this data, we can solve the previous formula to find L:
ultra sounds have frequency higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing, for healthy, young adults.
M/s, km/h, and mph are all used to measure these quantities
Answer: 211.059 m
We have the following data:
The angle at which the ball leaves the bat
The initial velocity of the ball
The acceleration due gravity
We need to find how far (horizontally) the ball travels in the air: 
Firstly we need to know this velocity has two components:
On the other hand, when we talk about parabolic movement (as in this situation) the ball reaches its maximum height just in the middle of this parabola, when
and the time
is half the time it takes the complete parabolic path.
So, if we use the following equation, we will find
Now that we have the time it takes to the ball to travel half of is path, we can find the total time
it takes the complete parabolic path, which is twice
With this result in mind, we can finally calculate how far the ball travels in the air:
Substituting (2) and (9) in (10):