I believe it’s the Gulf of Mexico. Not 100% certain
The large creature finally turned its head. I quickly rolled behind a tree but the creature saw me. Strangely enough, it didn't attack me. I let out a relieved breath and opened my eyes slowly. The creature was extremely close and staring straight at me. It was hard to keep my startled scream down in my throat.
Finally. Quickly. Strangely. Extremely. Hard.
Memphis, city and capital of ancient Egypt and an important centre during much of Egyptian history. Memphis is located south of the Nile River delta, on the west bank of the river, and about 15 miles (24 km) south of modern Cairo. Closely associated with the ancient city’s site are the cemeteries, or necropolises, of Memphis, where the famous pyramids of Egypt are located. From north to south the main pyramid fields are: Abū Ruwaysh, Giza, Zāwiyat al-ʿAryān, Abū Ṣīr, Ṣaqqārah, and Dahshūr. The Memphis archaeological zone was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.
Belief that America will grow bigger and bigger