The wall will push back, in exactly the opposite direction, and with
exactly the same size force.
That's why the net force on the palm of your hand is zero, and that
in turn is the reason that your hand doesn't accelerate.
If you keep increasing the strength of your push, then eventually you
exceed the force that the wall is capable of delivering. Then the wall
crumbles and falls, your hand accelerates in the direction you're pushing,
and the crowd goes wild !
Burning of paper is the answer
The spring balance (also known as spring scale) is simply a spring fixed at one end with a hook to attach an object at the other. It works by Hooke's Law, which states that the force needed to extend a spring is proportional to the distance that spring is extended from its rest position.
It consists of a spring fixed at one end with a hook to attach an object at the other. It works by Hooke's Law, which states that the force needed to extend a spring is proportional to the distance that spring is extended from its rest position. Therefore, the scale markings on the spring balance are equally spaced.
Answer: Gravitational attraction will be the same</h2>
According to the law of universal gravitation, which is a classical physical law that describes the gravitational interaction between different bodies with mass:
is the module of the force exerted between both bodies
is the universal gravitation constant.
are the masses of both bodies.
is the distance between both bodies
Now, if we double both masses and the distance also doubles, this means:
will be now
will be now
Let's rewrite the equation (1) with this new values:
Solving and simplifying:
As we can see, equation (3) is the same as equation (1).
So, if the masses both double and the distance also doubles the <u>Gravitational attraction between both masses will remain the same.</u>