See Explanation
8. 3, 1, -1, +1/2 => 3pₓ¹ => Aluminum
9. 4, 2, +1, +1/2 => 4d₁¹ => Chromium
10. 6, 1, 0, -1/2 => 6p₀² => Argon
11. 4, 3, +3, -1/2 => 4f₊₃² => Lutetium
12. 2, 1, +1, -1/2 => 2p₊₁² => Neon
6.8g of solute are needed
Percent by mass, (w/w%) is defined as the mass of solute in 100g of solution. A solution that is 3.4% contains 3.4g of solute in 100g of solution. That means to make 200g of solution are required:
200g solution * (3.4g solute / 100g solution) = 6.8g of solute are needed
Answer: Option C) Rinse the affected area with cool water for 10-15 minutes.
Once exposed to burns, whether chemical or heat, rinse the affected area of the body with cool water, as water is known to dissolve all burning particles attached to the skin, and cool off the blood vessels lying beneath the burned surface.
Unlike other options provided, rinsing affected area with cool water is the best first aid for skin burns
The correct answer is - hard water reacts to form the calcium or magnesium salt of the organic acid of the soap.
Soaps are made up of fatty acids or oils by treating with strong alkali and are salts of sodium and potassium. Hard water, on the other hand, has a high concentration of minerals in comparison to soft water. When hard water and soap are mixed together the salts of the minerals like Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions present in hard water react with fatty acids of the soap.
The sodium salts are changed to the salts of calcium and magnesium which are precipitated to an insoluble substance. The insoluble salts of the calcium or magnesium dirt stick on the clothes thus cleaning ability of soap is reduced.
1:faringe:es un conducto que permite la comunicación entre las fosas nasales (el paso del aire por la nasofaringe a la laringe) y la cavidad bucal
Laringe:es una cavidad formada por cartílagos que presenta una saliente comúnmente llamada "nuez" en la laringe se encuentra las cuerdas vocales que al vibrar con el aire produce la voz
Tráquea:es un conducto de doce centímetros de longitud,situado delante del estó tráquea brinda una vía abierta al aire que entra y sale se los pulmones