Two atoms of the same element can have different numbers of protons
diff nos neutrons ... isotopes,
diff protons ... diff elements
The semi truck travels at an initial speed of 69.545 meters per second downwards.
In this exercise we see a case of an entirely inellastic collision between the semi truck and the car, which can be described by the following equation derived from Principle of Linear Momentum Conservation: (We assume that velocity oriented northwards is positive)
- Masses of the semi truck and the car, measured in kilograms.
- Initial velocities of the semi truck and the car, measured in meters per second.
- Final speed of the system after collision, measured in meters per second.
If we know that
, then the initial velocity of the semi truck is:

The semi truck travels at an initial speed of 69.545 meters per second downwards.
Il existe troi types de rayons produits lors de la désintégration des éléments radioactifs:
-- "particules alpha" . . . noyaux d'hélium, composés chacun de 2 protons et 2 neutrons
-- "rayons bêta" ou "particules bêta" . . . flux d'électrons
-- "rayons gamma" . . . rayonnement électromagnétique avec les longueurs d'onde les plus courtes connues et l'énergie la plus élevée
I don't completely understand your drawing, although I can see that you certainly
did put a lot of effort into making it. But calculating the moment is easy, and we
can get along without the drawing.
Each separate weight has a 'moment'.
The moment of each weight is:
(the weight of it) x (its distance from the pivot/fulcrum) .
That's all there is to a 'moment'.
The lever (or the see-saw) is balanced when (the sum of all the moments
on one side) is equal to (the sum of the moments on the other side).
That's why when you're on the see-saw with a little kid, the little kid has to sit
farther away from the pivot than you do. The kid has less weight than you do,
so he needs more distance in order for his moment to be equal to yours.
A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that contains two or more distinct substances that you can see. You can see the different part if a heterogeneous mixture. An example of this is a salad. You can see all of the parts.
A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that is uniform and you cannot see the different parts. It is still a mixture though. An example of that would be salt water. The water and salt are not chemically combined but you cannot see the salt AND water. It is just one solution.