That's "<em><u>insolation</u></em>" ... not "insulation".
'Insolation' is simply the intensity of solar radiation over some area.
If 200 kW of radiation is shining on 300 m² of area, then the insolation is
(200 kW) / (300 m²) = <em>(666 and 2/3) watt/m²</em> .
Note that this is the intensity of the <em><u>incident</u></em> radiation. It doesn't say anything
about how much soaks in or how much bounces off.
Wait !
I just looked back at the choices, and realized that I didn't answer the question
at all. I have no idea what "1 sun" means. Forgive me. I have stolen your
points, and I am filled with remorse.
Wait again !
I found it, through literally several seconds of online research.
1 sun = 1 kW/m².
So 2/3 of a kW per m² = 2/3 of 1 sun
That's between 0.5 sun and 1.0 sun.
I feel better now, and plus, I learned something.
El lado positivo que tuvo el auge de la industrialización es principalmente que: Permitió el desarrollo económico de una gran cantidad de países. Marco un nuevo estilo de vida con mayor índice de globalización y producción. Creó una gran cantidad de fuentes de empleo.
Great experiment ! Everybody should try it if they can get the equipment.
It demonstrates a lot of things that are very hard to explain in words.
I hope the students remembered to tilt the axis of the globe. If they didn't,
and instead kept it straight up and down, then each city had pretty much
the same amount of bulb-light all the way around, and there were no seasons.
If the axis of the globe was tilted, then City-D had the least variation in
seasons. City-D is only 2° from the equator, so the sun is more direct
there all year around than it is at any of the others.
A free electron is one which has become detached from a covalent bond between two atoms and is able to move around from atom to atom and possibly take part in electric current flow.