I dont think you love him. I had this same problem, don’t be afraid to tell him how you really feel and the situations he has caused for you because of him. Please trust me when I say this: It is time to let him go!!!! My best friend helped me get through this hard situation; you always need someone by your side to help you, so I suggest that. Please let him off easy, say if you can still be friends, and tell him you need a break and to LET HIM GO. Youve got this girl, I know because I went through it - and I am just fine without him now.
Weird question but here you go lol!
If he is showing that he is curious to get to know you and learn more about you, this might mean that he is interested in you more than just a friend. This isn't just about him asking questions, but more so about whether or not he is listening to the things you share with him and showing that he cares about your needs.
Blood and Bone
I'm not entirely sure but these two sound the most reasonable
You can get obese and than u would become lazy
Arrector pili muscle is the one with hair follicles that has a smooth muscle which is in an unconscious control rather than conscious control. This pull up the follicle causing the goose bumps then. Hope this is the right answer and will be of big help then.