family 16 cause i said so XD
no te tengo porque darte explicaciones
a) Therefore 2.6km is greater than 2.57km.
Statement A is greater than statement B.
b) Therefore 5.7km is equal to 5.7km
Statement A is equal to statement B
a) Statement A : 2.567km to two significant figures.
2.567km 2. S.F = 2.6km
Statement B : 2.567km to three significant figures.
2.567km 3 S.F = 2.57km
Therefore 2.6km is greater than 2.57km.
Statement A is greater than statement B.
b) statement A: (2.567 km + 3.146km) to 2 S.F
(2.567km + 3.146km) = 5.713km to 2 S.F = 5.7km
Statement B : (2.567 km, to two significant figures) + (3.146 km, to two significant figures).
2.567km to 2 S.F = 2.6km
3.146km to 2 S.F = 3.1km
2.6km + 3.1km = 5.7km
Therefore 5.7km is equal to 5.7km
Statement A is equal to statement B
Answer:Fg = mg however newtons second law states that the net force acting on an object is equal to it's mass times it's acceleration so what allows us to say that Fg = mg because certainly not for every single situation the net force is going to equal to the force of gravity please explain... what allows us to say Fg = mg
(b) EAST
you can assume that the magnetic field points rightward, that is, in the positive x direction (NORTH). Furthermore, you can assume that the direction of the motion of the electron is in the positive y direction. Hence, you have:

You use the Lorentz formula to known which is the direction of the magnetic force over the electron:

which implies the cross product between the unitary vecors j and i, that is
However, the minus sign of the charge of the electron changes the direction 180°. Hence, the direction is k. That is, to the EAST